| 1987- Rice and wheat trading activity started by Mr. Jayadev in Bangalore. |
 | 1990 - Wheat and rice milling operations started. |
 | 1994 - Incorporation of Favorich Agro Pvt ltd. |
 | 1997 - Tie-up with M/s Pepsico for contract supply of Kurkere and other products. |
 | 2007 - Signing of MOU with Government of Madhya Pradesh for developing Bio fuel. |
 | 2010 - Acquisition of Prem sugars and Chemicals Corporations ltd. Along with 97 acres
of KIADB industrial land in Mandya District. |
 | 2010 - Incorporation of Favorich Auto- Appointed as Sales & Service dealer. |
 | 2011- In-principal approval received for railway siding from western railway division. |
 | 2012- Allotment of 275 acres of industrial land by GOK to M/s Favorich Infra pvt ltd
in Mandya District. |