FIPL is the key enterprises incorporated in the year 2009 as the infrastructure arm of FAVORICH GROUP. The company is the outcome of the passion, vision and commitment of Mr. D.M Jayadev and likeminded professionals to establish a world class purpose built hassle free industrial and business environment meeting international standards.
The company with over three decades of vast experience in the field of agriculture and food processing has studied and identified key constraints faced by food processing entrepreneurs in India. The Key constraints are power, water, roads, logistic facilities, storage facilities, skilled labours in addition to Government policies and liasioning issues. In order to overcome the above constraints the Favorich Infra pvt ltd has come out with various industrial models, specific to sectors and with the following vision-mission.
To become a pioneering, strong and quality conscious global corporation in developing infrastructure facilities viz, Agriculture, food processing, Power, Ports, Roads, housing and allied sectors.
To build infrastructure project meeting international standards and to tap the true potential of the growing manufacturing and services sector.
FIPL has studied and understood the scope and opportunity in infrastructure business and hence has planned and proposed setting up of various industrial clusters or parks in different states for specific sectors. The company during the year 2011 initiated and is in the process of implementing its first Mega food cluster project in a Government allotted 300 acre plot with permission accorded for 5 MLD water and 40 MW power at Bannenahalli village in KR PET taluk of Mandya District.
The company has also initiated discussions with various state Governments like Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh for setting up of Food parks, clusters, Sugar industry and other industrial projects.
Project being implemented
Favorich Mega Food Park is an unique model being implemented exclusive for Agro-food processing industries at Bannenahalli village, KRPET taluk in Mandya District at an overall project of Rs. 125 Crores.
For further details click the following link for
![]() | Mega food park profile |
![]() | Master plan |
Project planned
![]() | Industrial Cluster - Karnataka |
![]() | Food park cluster - Uttar Pradesh |
![]() | Food park Cluster - Madhya Pradesh |